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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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ASPP-Funded Books Dominate The Hill Times’ Best of 2014 List

Jessica Clark, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences On Monday, The Hill Times published its annual list of “Best 100 Books” from the past year. As usual, books funded by the Federation’s Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP)...

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Canada and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

By Rhoda Howard-Hassmann, Canada Research Chair in International Human Rights, Wilfrid Laurier University This blog post was contributed for Human Rights Day, observed on December 10. December 10, 2014 is the 66 th anniversary of the Universal...

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Mayors for a better Canada

Jessica Dixon True to my age, a cynical perspective regarding the effectiveness of Canada’s democratic structure flows through my veins. With this in mind, I attended American Professor, Benjamin Barber’s presentation (and the following panel) about...

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Feeding the future: A Canadian standoff

Terry Soleas Genome Canada presented a draft brief that they have been refining as a part of their GE 3LS (Genomics and its Ethical, Environmental, Economic, Legal and Social aspects) Series at Congress 2014 entitled “F eeding the Future: Can...

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Lyse Doucet - Working in a savage reality

Doug Junke Lyse Doucet, veteran BBC reporter, presenter and chief international correspondent has seen man at his worst. It wasn’t pretty. She shared a tiny slice of that with the Congress 2014 Big Thinking audience Saturday afternoon. It wasn’t for...

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Promesses remplies

Regard sur l’héritage de milliers d’esclaves noirs qui ont fui au Canada dans les années 1800 Laura Czekaj, Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation Rendez-vous sur innovation.ca pour consulter des histoires de recherches en sciences sociales et...

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Adrien Arcand et la propagande antisémite

Par Daniel Drolet Le journaliste canadien Adrien Arcand aurait largement contribué à la montée internationale du négationnisme, le mouvement qui remet en cause l’Holocauste. En fait, selon Hugues Théorêt, auteur du livre Les chemises bleues : Adrien...